"Elon Musk, arguing with slimy Jews on twitter, finally asks, "Who do you think owns the press?" And they're losing their minds, begging him to name the Jew so they can label him an anti-semite"

Some Jew: The Rich and Powerful want to shut down the press; Elon Musk: The Rich and Powerful own the press; Jews: ANTISEMITE REEEE

Some Jew: The Rich and Powerful want to shut down the press; Elon Musk: The Rich and Powerful own the press; Jews: ANTISEMITE REEEE (kek.gg)

by goatsandbros to whatever (+84|-2)

Elon Musk, arguing with slimy Jews on twitter, finally asks, "Who do you think owns the press?" And they're losing their minds, begging him to name the Jew so they can label him an anti-semite

Elon Musk, arguing with press (twitter.com)

 by badweather to politics (+237|-9)

Journalist Who Vowed to Expose George Soros, Found Dead

Journalist Who Vowed to Expose George Soros, Found Dead, Musk suspected as in death of Gary D. Conley (nyeveningnews.com)

by tendiesonfloor to news (+269|-5)

Elon Musk Just Exposed the Oil Oligarchy's Control Over Mainstream Media In Epic Rant

Elon Musk Just Exposed the Oligarchy's Control Over Mainstream Media In Epic Rant (thefreethoughtproject.com)

by fluxusp to news (+9|-2)